Tips For Choosing Windows For Your Home

So you’ve decided that it’s time to give your home a refresh. You’ve settled on new windows being the perfect opportunity to do so but haven’t a clue where to start. We here at Smile Windows hear this a lot, and so are more than familiar with what considerations should be taken by the homeowner. Ultimately, choosing windows for your home should be an exciting prospect. Here’s how to go about it!

Consider the period your household was built

Any window is only as good as the property it sits within, so it makes sense that the overall style and period your home was built in influence the type of frames you have installed. Victorian properties, for example, would typically make use of 19th century hardwood sash windows, which rather than open outwards, would feature a sash that slides up and down – hence the name. Suddenly, the prospect of choosing windows for your home becomes clearer.

If your property is a little more modern in design, built only a few years ago, a window touting sleek frames and easy operation could be considered the best option if this contemporary feel is to be maintained. Similarly, tilt & turn windows have been a mainstay for use in high-rise apartments and flats thanks to their ability to ventilate and be opened without compromising safety in the living space.

Decide which enhanced benefit you hope to prioritise

With new windows comes a whole host of benefits. That is, for all intents and purposes, the reason most homeowners opt to have them installed anyway isn’t it? A refreshed set of windows bring with them improved insulation, security, and sometimes style, but there are a couple of designs that emphasise specific traits more so than others. These are worth considering depending on which traits your home is currently lacking in, and you’d like to improve.

As alluded to earlier, sliding sash and tilt & turn windows are two styles at complete opposite ends of the stylistic spectrum, yet both offer high ventilation adjustability. On the other hand, flush sash windows place authentic style front and centre, ideal for those wanting to add a splash of sophistication to their home.

Hardwood, uPVC, or aluminium?

Last but not least, some of the best advice we can offer is to settle on your desired window material as early as possible. This is because it will inform such specifics as U-values possible, amount of glazing weight capable of being held, in addition to price. uPVC has remained dominant here in the UK for so long, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’d be the perfect fit for your home’s new windows.

Find your perfect fit with windows from Smile Windows

Hopefully that’s help clear up much of the worry you might have when choosing the right windows for your home. If you’d like to know more about the options available or have a burning question we mightn’t have addressed, get in touch today!

Categories: Windows