5 Reasons Why White uPVC Windows Will Never go Out of Fashion

hardwood casement windows imageIf you’ve been looking at replacing your home’s existing windows, odds are, you’re considered all kinds of material options. Despite what some people might think, the Smile Windows team are here to remind homeowners that uPVC windows are still a wildly reliable choice – especially as far as futureproofing the home is concerned. To prove it, here are 6 reasons why white uPVC windows will never go out of fashion.

1. Suited to all styles of home

Let’s start with the obvious. Traditional uPVC casement windows make a lot of sense because of their inherently neutral appearance, meaning it’s extremely hard to go wrong whatever type of home you live in. uPVC windows have been a British mainstay for going on a decade now, typically fitted in a crisp White finish that’s never at risk of harming the established aesthetic.

2. Easy to maintain and look after

tilt and turn window imageWhite uPVC windows are so effortless to maintain, it’s almost like they’ve been purposefully designed to tie-in with the busy lifestyles of 21st century homeowners. Unlike traditional timber windows that would normally require frequent varnishing and repainting to stay looking good, uPVC windows never demand any attention following their installation.

3. Still the most of affordable option

You may have heard white uPVC windows described as ‘cheap’. While this is, perhaps, most commonly used as a derogatory term, there is a slight hint of truth in that they’re still the most affordable, but this never comes at the cost of poor performance or style. Whether you’re working with a limited budget when improving the home or would like to cut costs for investment elsewhere, white uPVC windows are an appropriate solution.

4. Configurable to multiple styles and designs

pvcu casement window imageuPVC is an extremely flexible material at the best of times, it being plastic-based. This particularly comes in handy when having windows fitted, giving homeowners the ability to choose from a range of popular designs. Sliding sashes work as the best choice in vintage homes, for instance, while innovative tilt & turn uPVC windows keep those living in high-rise apartments safe and well ventilated.

5. A passive way to save money on energy bills

We’ve already mention the ‘set and forget’ mentality white uPVC windows allow for. The benefits for this are twofold, this time due to their advanced energy-saving techniques. Modern uPVC frames are multi-chambered, meaning that any heat present in a living space that would otherwise filter out can be trapped. Homeowners need rely less on artificial heating methods, therefore reducing energy costs.

Stay ahead of property trends with uPVC windows from Smile Windows

Opting for uPVC windows means being able to futureproof your house for decades to come. Their popularity shows no sign of slowing down due to the reasons listed above, in that time keeping you safe, secure, stylish, and insulated. Contact a member of the Smile Windows team to discuss your project today.

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