uPVC Windows Quedgeley

Smile Windows has been installing quality uPVC Windows in homes across Quedgeley and Gloucester for more than 30-years. Contact us today to discuss how our uPVC windows can improve your home.

Improving your Quedgeley Home

By choosing a uPVC Window from Smile Windows, you’ll be giving your Quedgeley and Gloucester home a new lease of life. Our uPVC windows have been designed to do more than just make your property the home you’ve always wished for. Unlike steel or timber, our uPVC windows provide a low-maintenance profile that offers benefits to your Quedgeley home. Our uPVC windows guarantee high-class thermal efficiency, security and longevity. By using the finest uPVC profile available, we leave our customers with a product that keeps them satisfied and improves their Quedgeley and Gloucester home for many years to come!

The uPVC Casement Window is one of the most popular profiles in properties across Quedgeley and Gloucester. This classic style guarantees our customers will enjoy many benefits. Homeowners can be sure to enjoy thermal efficiency, security and weatherproofing. We manufacture our uPVC casement windows from the highest quality materials. By doing this, Smile Windows can offer uPVC double and triple glazing products that will protect your Quedgeley property and improve efficiency and look. The uPVC profile is easy to maintain, so your time can be spent enjoying your new windows, rather than maintaining them. The Smile Windows casement window can be customised in a variety of different designs and styles. Each window can be finished with several different colours and woodgrain foils. Whatever the style of your Quedgeley home, Smile Windows will find the perfect uPVC window to suit you!

Smile Windows’ Tilt and Turn uPVC Windows offer Quedgeley and Gloucester homeowners great versatility. Able to open either from top to bottom or from the side, your home will benefit from enhanced ventilation! With this uPVC profile, Quedgeley homeowners can enjoy flexibility, security and practicality with the Tilt and Turn design. All of our uPVC Tilt and Turn windows can be produced in similar designs to the uPVC casement window, so it’s now easier than ever to add variety to your Quedgeley or Gloucester home.

Despite looking like a traditional timber window, the uPVC Sliding Sash Window offers all the benefits of modern uPVC to the Quedgeley homeowner. By improving the thermal capability of your Quedgeley or Gloucester home, our uPVC sash windows guarantee you a comfortable temperature year-round, while looking great! As this profile is manufactured using modern materials, you’ll enjoy a high level of security for your Quedgeley home, protecting your family from any potential uninvited visitors. This design is perfect for both period or heritage properties. With several finishing touches and colours to choose from, our Sliding Sash Windows will perfectly fit your Quedgeley home. Smile Windows also offer uPVC Flush Sash Windows. These profiles sit flush within the frame, offering an even more traditional timber look to a Quedgeley or Gloucester home. Although this window looks like a timber product, customers can enjoy all the benefits of modern uPVC windows in their Quedgeley home. This tidy-looking window will retain its good look for many years, even after prolonged exposure to the changeable Quedgeley weather!

The modern profile we use in our uPVC windows helps them to achieve an excellent level of thermal efficiency for your Quedgeley home. Our uPVC windows achieve an energy rating of ‘A’ as standard, offering a top tier of heat retention for your home. This means you’ll be able to keep your Quedgeley home at a comfortable temperature year-round, even in the coldest of winter months. The profile of the frame and the glazing within the uPVC windows breaks down pockets of warm air to deliver this excellent energy rating. Over time, you’ll be able to rely less on your central heating, saving money on your energy bills and reducing your Quedgeley home’s carbon footprint.

To ensure you get the best window for your Quedgeley or Gloucester home, our uPVC windows have been manufactured to meet BS7412 and BS7413 standards. Through this accreditation, you can rest assured that you’ll be investing in a product that will continue to offer an exceptional degree of quality and performance across the board year after year.

As a customer, buying a new uPVC window, you want to make sure that old problems will be avoided. Our uPVC windows ensure that you wont blighted by the same issues that affected old windows. To counter the problems of old, our casement windows are made with a full 70mm 5-chambered profile system, allowing them to achieve industry-leading standards of thermal efficiency, security, durability, appearance, performance and weatherproofing. Once installed in your Quedgeley home, these uPVC windows will protect your property against the harsh wind and rain, and will never warp, bow, crack or twist out of shape.

Quality Guarantee

It’s essential when buying a new uPVC window for your Quedgeley home that it’s a long-lasting product. That’s why at Smile Windows, we issue a 10-year guarantee on parts and labour in all our windows and conservatories. This guarantee is covered by insurance, so if we cease trading, your guarantee will remain valid. Our insurance policies are administered by the Independent Warranty Association.

uPVC Window Payment Options

Any improvement to your Quedgeley or Gloucester home can be quite costly. That’s why we offer our customers three different payment options. They are:

  • Low Monthly Payments starting at just 4.9% APR.
  • Interest-Free Credit for a period of 2 or 3 years.
  • Buy Now Pay Later so if you aren’t in a financial position to afford your project right now, then you can pay for your goods in 12 months.


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uPVC Window Prices Quedgeley

If you would like to bring your Quedgeley home’s windows into the 21st-century with a new uPVC window or another double glazing product, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team can be contacted on 07758 941050, or you can fill out our online contact form and one of our team will be back in touch. If you already know what style of uPVC Window you want for your Gloucester property, then you can fill out our online quote. This bespoke quote will give you a rough estimate of how much our services will cost you with no obligation to book.

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