Aluminium Windows Swindon

At Smile Windows, we have been installing high-quality aluminium windows since 1985. Get in touch with our team today, to discuss getting aluminium windows fitted for your home in Swindon.

Aluminium Windows Swindon

Due to their elegant looks and incredible versatility, Aluminium windows are favoured most by architects. They are perfect for replacing windows with timber or stone surrounds in older more medieval properties and come in a variety of colour options – meaning you won’t be short of options when it comes to your home in Swindon. Aluminium windows are durable, stylish and can be a very long-term investment for your home. Couple this with Smile Windows’ affordable finance options such as low monthly payments and buy now pay later, you can begin to see why our windows are a great fit for your home. As all our products are Certass certified, with our Aluminium windows being no different, you can be sure that every installation is carried out to the highest of standards by one of our professionals, and you’ll receive your FESA certificate once our work is complete. If you would like to get in contact with one of our representatives about upgrading your windows do not hesitate to get in touch. You can give one of our team a call today on, 07758 941050. Aluminium Windows Swindon

Features and Benefits of our Aluminium Windows

Due to the incredible strength of our Aluminium windows, they can be installed with either double or triple glazing. When you partner this with our modern rebated and multi-chambered design, you can achieve a significant degree of thermal energy.

Despite their delicate appearance, as well as their thin exterior and light-weight feel, our aluminium windows provide your home in Swindon with a significant amount of structural integrity due to their incredibly strong design, despite their appearance. Therefore, once we have installed them for your home, you can be sure that you have made a safe and secure investment.

Not only are our aluminium windows sleek and stylish to look at but due to their incredible resistance to the elements, they make a worthwhile investment that you can be happy with for years after installation.

Our modern aluminium windows are a great option for finishing off your contemporary home. Sleek and versatile in design, aluminium windows also come in all shapes, sizes, and colours, meaning you will not be short of options for your home.

Being able to keep heat in your home, as well as matching your style expectations, is important when it comes to choosing your windows. That is why, with the latest designs and techniques, we can assure you that with our aluminium windows you don’t have to suffer when it comes to design, thermal efficiency and making sure your home is environmentally friendly.

Our aluminium windows can be fitted with an extensive range of glazing styles, allowing you to pick and choose the styles that suit your style and your home. Our selection of glazing options allows you to choose from decorative options to suit your taste or frosted windows to ensure you have the privacy you deserve in your home. There is an option for everyone with our range.

Due to their incredible durability and resistance to the elements, our aluminium windows aren’t subject to the same maintenance issues as other window options such as uPVC windows. You’ll be able to enjoy your windows for years after installation, knowing that you made the right decision.

We have a colour option for each and every home, whether it be that you are looking for a more traditional colour to help suit your property, or a more modern and sleek looking design to match your contemporary home. Feel free to take your time and have a look through our colour options or speak with one of our team and we can go through them with you.

At Smile Windows, we can ensure that all our aluminium windows are installed to the highest standard by our team of professionals. Not only that, but all of our products are Certass certified, meaning you will receive a Certass certificate once our work is done, and can rest easy knowing that your house is in the capable hands of our team of professionals.

Aluminium Windows Prices

With our finance options, you can pay for your windows by choosing:

  • Low monthly payments – make our home improvement solutions as accessible as possible with low monthly payments from just 4.9% APR.
  • Interest-free credit – Know exactly where you are the whole way through your payments, with a fixed cost that will not accrue any interest over time.
  • Buy now pay later – Gives you access to funding that works for you, meaning you can buy today and not pay a penny for 12 months.

Use our online quoting engine or get in contact with our team today, and we can start discussing the options you have for aluminium windows being installed for your home in Swindon, by us.

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